#kalterfrühling #earlyspring #woistdiesonne #genial5 #messebau #messebauer
Wer wir sind
Wir sind genial5 das Messebauunternehmen mit Sitz in Köln.
Wir entwerfen, planen und konstruieren für internationale Kunden
Messestände weltweit. Vom kreativen Standkonzept bis zur Umsetzung,
wir machen es möglich und das schon seit über 10 Jahren.
Our company is based in Cologne, a few minutes away from the exhibition grounds of the Cologne Trade Fair. In our 10 years of dedicated experience we have achieved much recognition for our services which include designing, construction and installation of exhibition stands worldwide.
Our company is based in Cologne, a few minutes away from the exhibition grounds of the Cologne Trade Fair. In our 10 years of dedicated experience we have achieved much recognition for our services which include designing, construction and installation of exhibition stands worldwide.